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Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration Service – Pets are wonderful and are such a help as we’ve readjusted to more time at home. In 2020, pet ownership within the U.S. rose to an all-time high of 70%, consistent with American Pet Products Association (APPA). A recent survey indicated that almost 89.7 million dogs lived in US households; three quarters of families have pets of some kind.

While you’ll steam out many carpet stains, sometimes you would like some help repairing and restoring from more serious pet-related damage– both the visible and invisible. Typical pet damage around your home can include:

Damaged walls, doors, and door jambs
Torn carpet
Broken laminate or tiles
Damaged fences
Water damage restoration from damaged water lines

Sometimes your anxious dog might overreact to being kept during a closed room. Hopefully it’s just a few scuffs but if your dog bites into the sheet rock, there’s an opportunity that it’ll access some plumbing lines. Our water damage restoration specialists can fix both– dry and wet sheetrock.

Water Damaged Floors

Any combo of a messy dog or a leaky bowl can cause stained or mildewed floors. to stop water damage,

step 1) place a water-proof mat under your dog’s water dish. Don’t forget

step2) change or clean the mat regularly.

However, the more serious threat to your floors may be a puddle aside from clean water. If you quickly catch the puppy or kitty mess and wipe it up your risk is minimal; tile floors and modern laminate finishes resist accidents like this. But as urine decomposes, it becomes more alkaline and more corrosive. When a carpet or a rug sits over the hardwood floors, it keeps the liquid from drying and allows that amonic like smell to permeate the wood.

Now this is often not a DIY cleanup. Call water damage restoration experts at Farley Construction for his or her professional assessment. Sometimes spots are often sanded and refinished. But often, these pet stains need to be patched out and replaced with new wood.

Exterior Doors and Doggy Doors

In a house with pets, the areas round the exterior doors and particularly ahead of a doggy door are often damaged from water. Perhaps the doors don’t close well; perhaps that pup comes in and out 20 times each day with wet paws. Use outside door mats to limit the dirt and gravel that enters the house but once the water damage starts, call the water damage restoration experts at Flood Pro to correct the underlying problems. The damage can spread across the edge and up the door frame, resulting in costlier problems.

Water Damage From Other Pets

Fish are usually pretty harmless and only cause damage when an aquarium leaks. Tortoises can live an extended time and wrack up some damage; they will topple weak wood fences or shatter sliding glass doors. Ferrets and other rodents can get loose and chew their way into electric and water lines.

Birds, like parrots, might peck the walls near their cages. they will easily chip paint off stucco and wood. Since they’re messy eaters and drinkers, they could spill over quite half their water on the ground . you actually need a water-proof tray under the cage– not just yesterday’s newspaper.

Water Damage Restoration 

Leaks need fixing as soon as they happen because moisture buildup damages your walls and floors while also inviting mold growth. Whenever excess water invades your home, Farley Construction is that the trusted water damage restoration team to call.


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