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Joy of Removing Popcorn Ceiling

People who have homes sporting the old and rather dated popcorn ceiling may be looking for ways to make their ceiling look a little more ultramodern.


After all, not only are popcorn ceilings, not the most aesthetically pleasing ceiling scenery out there, but they’re also known to lower the request value of a home, thanks to their dated look.


While utmost people wonder what to do after removing the popcorn ceiling to make the ceiling look new and fresh, others wonder if there’s a way to simply cover the popcorn ceiling over without having to go through the junking process.


 Why Bother Covering Popcorn Ceiling?

Choosing to simply cover your popcorn ceiling ( else known as textured ceiling) as opposed to removing it entirely could help you save a lot of time and plutocrat in the long run.


After all, the junking process of a popcorn ceiling is veritably time consuming, and can also come expensive when you suppose about the accoutrements demanded if you choose to do it yourself, or the costs incurred from hiring a professional crew to handle the job.

Removing popcorn ceilings entirely can indeed be dangerous depending on the age of your home, as utmost homes manufactured before 1978 had popcorn ceilings that contained asbestos, a known carcinogen outlawed for domestic use because of the given lung conditions it could beget, including cancer.

This is why it’s so important to make sure you test for asbestos when indeed allowing about removing a textured ceiling.


So, why bother removing it at all? Would n’t simply covering it up with commodity differently achieve the same effect? The easy answer then’s yes because in the maturity of cases ( largely dependent on how your home is erected) you can cover that popcorn ceiling right over with commodity that looks tons more.


 What Can Be Habituated to Cover Popcorn Ceiling?


Still, you ’ll be happy to know you ’ll have several affordable and time- saving options to make your ceiling look brand new, without having to remove anything, If you choose to cover your popcorn ceiling up rather of going through the junking process.


You can choose from options similar as ceiling panels, ceiling planks, rustic beadboard, essence penstocks, texture and makeup, and more. With utmost of these options, you can simply install them right over the being popcorn ceiling in a design that could be finished in a weekend without having to hire any outside help.


 Consider These Options to Cover the Popcorn

Then are some simple ways you can cover up your popcorn ceiling. Each of these options is relatively affordable and with a little help from a family member or friend, could fluently be handled as a weekend design or indeed finished up in one autumn


  1. Simply texture and paint the ceiling

To hide your popcorn ceiling with a simple texture and makeup job, you can use a spray texture to spray onto the ceiling in small blotches, and also flatten them out with a drywall cutter. You can also choose “ poke encounter” texture, which involves applying your texture with a makeup comber, also going over it with a fleece of ceiling makeup.


  1. Ceiling penstocks

Ceiling penstocks are a simple and veritably affordable option for covering up popcorn ceiling. However, penstocks give a veritably seductive volition, If you ’d rather not mess with texturing.


You have a many options then, as well. You can either suspend essence or use a PVC grid to hang the penstocks from, or you can buy special ceiling penstocks that be fused or indeed squinched right onto the ceiling.


  1. Rustic ceiling planks

Who doesn’t love the look of natural beauty handed by a rustic ceiling? Rustic ceiling planks (or lingo and groove paneling) are another swish and affordable option for covering up the popcorn ceiling in your home and are relatively simple to install, as well.


This option can be heavier than the ceiling penstocks mentioned over, so you ’ll have to make sure you squinch your rustic ceiling planks right into the joints of the ceiling. For added personalization, you can always paint the wood if you so choose.


There are several of these different types of wood to choose from, as well, from rustic looking wood to the minimalism of the European design.


As you can see, you have several different and easy to install options when it comes to chancing a great material with which to cover up your popcorn ceiling. In no time at each, you can go from those dated popcorn flakes on the ceiling to one that looks fresh, new, beautiful, and drinking.


Unlike the drab, mellow look of popcorn ceiling, these options also give you lots of room to epitomize your style and make your ceiling match your tastes.


Whether you choose to hang penstocks or rustic planks, or just texture and makeup right over the popcorn ceiling, these are great options to avoid having to go through the mess (and eventual remittal) of fully removing your popcorn ceiling fully.


  1. A Many Handy Tips

Covering up your popcorn ceiling can be an instigative design to work on, knowing that when you ’re finished, you ’ll have commodity brand new to enjoy looking at the nanosecond you walk into your home. There are, still, a many useful tips you should keep in mind to make the process indeed easier for you.


Still, you’ll want to make sure you do it the right way to insure there are no annoying flakes shelling off and making a mess of your bottom, If you intend to choose the oil option to cover up your popcorn ceiling.


When oil, to make sure you avoid this mess, consider laying down some drop cloths on the bottom to catch any popcorn bits that might slip off the ceiling during the texturing and oil process.


You should also make sure to simply paint in one direction, rather of rolling the makeup back and forth. Repetitious back and forth movements from the makeup comber could affect in quite a bit of the popcorn material coming loose.


 Constantly Asked Questions

With all of this new information in mind about covering up your popcorn ceiling, it would n’t come as a shock to learn you might have some questions. Then are some questions constantly asked about covering up popcorn ceilings, so see if your question has formerly been answered


 How do I discover if my popcorn textured ceiling is painted?

Then are the styles in which you can discover if your popcorn textured wall is painted or not. However, it has been painted, If you run your hand on the popcorn texture and it does n’t slip off. You can also apply a little water on a named part of the ceiling using a sprayer or sponger.


The popcorn ceiling has not been painted if the water you applied soaks into it. If the water does n’t soak ( globules over) also the ceiling has been painted.


 What’s the stylish junking system to popcorn ceiling?

Snare a spray bottle, fill it with warm water, and also spot a little part of the ceiling. Allow it to sit for about twenty twinkles. Avoid applying too important water on the popcorn coating to help the underpinning drywall face from water damage.

 Does popcorn ceiling junking beget a great mess?

The popcorn junking process doesn’t really beget a mess. We insure your cabinetwork and other valuables are covered and defended. We also drop plastic wastes from the ceiling to cocoon the room. We also apply water to the ceiling and remove the popcorn ceiling.


 What system can I use to hide my popcorn ceiling without removing it?

This is the stylish result for those having an unattractive ceiling. Just cover the entire mess with a new subcaste of drywall. This might be the easiest way to gain the stylish outgrowth.

 What can I use to hide a popcorn ceiling?

There are fiber- board planks similar as set ceiling planks, which are especially made to break this problem. The planks are placed on the essence channels, which are deposited on the old ceiling and are squinched to the ceiling shafts. The Easy Up grid system from Armstrong is one of the popular products for this.

 What’s the cheapest system available to cover a popcorn ceiling?

Using planks was discovered during one of our workshop to be the stylish content for a popcorn ceiling when redesigning a dormer bedroom. The planks we used were nicely cheap as they bring about$ 1 per sq-ft.


 How do I snappily remove the popcorn ceiling?

Mist the ceiling with a pump sprayer you use in your theater to have an easy and dust-free scraping when removing your popcorn ceiling. Also leave it to soak for at least fifteen twinkles before you start scrapping. Keep the mist light in order to avoid risking water damage to the drywall or common vid.

 What’s the duration of scrapping popcorn ceilings?

Still, junking and resurfacing your ceilings, it may take around 20 hours to perform the junking and relief of your 500sq-ft popcorn ceiling, If you hire a professional to perform the traditional scraping.


 How do I paint on a popcorn ceiling?

Paint in one path and stop. Avoid rolling back and forth as the popcorn starts to peel when it becomeswet.However, spray or roll the stained section, use the same color you’re using to paint the wall, If you’re staining.


 What kind of makeup comber should I use for my popcorn ceiling?

Still, make sure you use a froth comber, If you choose to paint over your popcorn ceiling. These are specifically designed for use with popcorn ceilings, textured walls, and stucco. Froth breakers wo n’t crush the popcorn texture and will unevenly roll the makeup over the ceiling’s face.

 Can the popcorn ceiling be covered by drywall?

Popcorn ceilings should be covered with lighter accoutrements similar as makeup, paneling, or planks. One option to consider is gypsum board paneling, a material that’s veritably analogous to drywall, but important lighter and easier for the ceiling to support.


 Is it better to spot or roll popcorn ceiling makeup?

Popcorn ceiling is well known for breaking off if the oil process isn’t handled with care. With that said, if the ceiling has no way been painted ahead, also spot painting it’s presumably the stylish option. It’s also a hastily task to handle than comber painting the entire ceiling.


Popcorn ceilings are well known for looking dated and indeed lowering the values of the homes they find themselves in. When you ’re ready to bring your home into the ultramodern age and give it a hipsterism new look without having to worry about entirely removing the popcorn ceiling, consider going with one of these options to cover the texture up, giving your ceiling a brand new parcel on life.

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